Supported by
Society of Chief Officers of Trading Standards in Scotland
Trusted Trader

Contact Scotland Trusted Trader

If you have an enquiry or problem related to a particular Trusted Trader scheme, then select the relevant scheme and contact them directly.

Please don't use this contact form for any general consumer complaints.

If you want to report a Trader to Trading Standards, step by step instructions can be found here: Reporting Traders to Trading Standards.

For all other enquiries please use the below form. Trusted Directory Services manage this website on behalf of Trading Standards and will be able to assist you with your query.

Contact form

Please complete all the following fields. Your details will remain 100% secure.
Enter your e-mail address so we can respond to your query.
Enter a contact phone number in case we need to get in touch.

Tick to confirm you're not a spam robot.

Or you can contact us on 0333 444 7015* between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm Monday to Friday or e-mail

*0333 calls cost the same as calls to national numbers (01 or 02) and form part of any inclusive minutes.