In association with Angus Council
Trusted Trader

Contact Angus Trusted Trader

Please only use this form for any relevant enquiries related to the Angus Trusted Trader Scheme. This is not a general Trading Standards contact form.

If you have a complaint or would like to us to be aware of an issue with a Angus Trusted Trader, then please use the following form: Raising a Trusted Trader concern or complaint.

For any consumer complaints not related to Angus Trusted Traders, you will need to use the consumer helpline, 0808 164 6000. Step by step instructions are here: Reporting Traders to Trading Standards

If you are a business interested in learning more about the Angus Trusted Trader scheme, then please fill in our expression of interest form or call us on 0333 444 0295.

Contact form

Please complete all the following fields. Your details will remain 100% secure.
Enter your e-mail address so we can respond to your query.
Enter a contact phone number in case we need to get in touch.

Tick to confirm you're not a spam robot.

Or you can contact us on 0333 444 0295 or 7015* between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm Monday to Friday or e-mail

*0333 calls cost the same as calls to national numbers (01 or 02) and form part of any inclusive minutes.

contact address

You can use the below address for correspondence, but please do not come to the office unless invited to do so.

Trading Standards
Angus Council
Angus Trusted Trader
Orchardbank Business Park
Orchard Loan
